2015.08 Mexico City 2º Bienial
Honorary Mention Interior Design Category
2010.12 SNCA National System of Art Creators Bursary
Armando Oliver Suinaga was recognized with a 3 years research-design bursary and membership to the National System of Art Creators. The bursary will develop the altiplano project which consists in a series of Landsape Urbanism interventions within Mexico City.
2010 APEC Architect International Certification by the APEC Architect registry of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation.
2010, Joint First Prize Unlandscaped Australia Competition for Meander Erosion Usumacinta Flood Observatory Contest , Tabasco, Mexico.**
2009, First prize International Competition for the Metromover Station, Bicentennial Park, Miami.*
2005, Honorary Mention International Competition for the memorial-museum for the victims of the Tsunami, Khao Lak, Thailand.
2002, Shortlisted Finalist “Centro” school for communication and design contest by invitation, Mexico City, Mexico.
1999, Second Prize as design collaborator with TAX (Taller Arquitectura X), in the national contest for the redesign of Mexico City main square “Zócalo”.
1997, Third Prize International Anonymous Competition for an urban park in Prague Pheasantry, Czech Republic. w/ Adriana Monroy.
1995, FONCA young artists bursary 1 year design-research bursary.
1992, Third Prize Arquitectura magazine competition for a pedestrian connection in Reforma Mexico w/ Mauricio Abdel.

2015.11 Souzhou, China
Lecture and Presentation at the 2015 ILIA conference
International Landscape Industry Association of China
2014.08 Coahuila, Torreón
Workshop and conference at Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Torreón
2013.09 San Agustín, Oaxaca
Workshop and conference at Centro de las Artes de San Agustín, Oaxaca
2013.10 Veracruz
workshop and conference at Festival de Arquitectura, Arte y Ciudad, Instituto Veracruzano de Cultura
2012.04 San Agustín, Oaxaca
workshop and conference at Centro de las Artes de San Agustín, Oaxaca
2012.03 Lecture and Workshop in TEC de Monterrey
Lecture in the IX Architecture Forum from TEC de Monterrey presenting my work and conducting a workshop along Santa Catarina River.
2011.11 Pratt Insitute New York
Two of our projects have been included in: "Breaking Borders: New Latin American Architecture" exhibition at the Robert and Hazel Siegel Gallery in Pratt Institute School of Architecture, New York.
Curated by the exhibition includes a group of 8 Mexican offices within a selection of 46 Latin American emerging practices, and will be exhibited from the 8th of September to the 30th of November.
2011 Dawntown Miami "The First Four Years of Ideas" , Irvin Korach Gallery of the University of Miami School of Architecture.*
2011 "To Construct the Landscape", Lecture on the office work at various scales in Durango and Chihuahua.
2009 Bergen, Norway Lecture/workshop “Spaces, masses, surfaces and systems” Bergen Architecture Institute NAL-BAF.
2006 Venice Biennale
Academic Work at Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico exhibited in the Venice Biennale 2006.
2005 Rotterdam Biennale
Academic Work at Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico exhibited in the Rotterdam Biennale, "The Flood".
2005 Sao Paulo Biennale
Academic Work at Universidad Iberoamericana Mexico exhibited in the Sao Paulo Biennale.
2005 NY, AIA Gallery Exhibition “Mexico City Dialogues” at the gallery of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in New York.
1999 Installation in “Art & Idea”, curated by Luis Felipe Ortega.
1997 Theresian Wing Prague Castle, Czech Republic.
1997 Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Carrillo Gil.

2017.12 Arquine, Lo mejor del siglo XXI vol.7 House AC selected and included in the compilation of best projects 0f 2015-2016 by Arquine.
2011.10 "La Revista", 3rd anniversary issue, 11 mexican offices with international projection.
2011.05 Miami Metromover published online by Archdaily.*
2011.04 AE House published online by Archdaily.
2010.04 AE House published online by Plataforma Arquitectura.
2010.05 Mag. Landscape Architecture Australia. “Unlandscaped competition results, Meander, Erosion” Mag. #120, Australia**
2006.06 Mag. Arquine #35 “Sao Paolo Biennale projects”, Mexico.
2005.09 Mag. Arquine #35 “Rotterdam Biennale proposal ”, Mexico.
2003 ”Landscape Urbanism, A Manual for the Machinic Landscape” Mohsen Mostafavi and Ciro Najle Ed.; Architectural Association Publications, London.
2003.03 Mag. Arquine #23 “Mexican students in the AA”, Mexico.
2003.10 Mag. Arquine #25 “supermarket-superurbanism”, Mexico.
1999 “La ciudad y sus lagos”, “Retorno a la Ciudad Lacustre”,Collaborator with Taller de la Ciudad de Mexico UNAM Ed. Clio, Mexico
1998.03 Mag. Trazos #3 “The Pheasantry of Prague Castle”, Mexico.
1998.03 Mag. Arquine #3 “The Pheasantry of Prague Castle”, Mexico.
1998.01 Architectural Review # 1211, UK
“Urban Projects: The Pheasantry of Prague Castle contest results”, London 1997.12 Magazine Architekt “Bazantnice Prazkeho Hradu” Czech Rep.
1997 Exhibition catalogue Carrillo Gil, Ed FONCA, Mexico.
1997 Arquine # 1 “Urban Proposal for San Angel, Mexico City”
Three projects from Max Cetto Workshop, UNAM, Mexico.
1996 “México 90’s Arquitectura Contemporánea”, Federal Electoral Court Building, MX Miquel Adriá et alt.Ed. Gustavo Gili, Mexico.
1996 “Der leere Raum 94, Der Öffentliche Raum 95”, “Strips”-Pepe Llinas Carmona: Urban park between Marchenfeld Kanal and Brünnerstraße.
Architektur Zentrum Wien, Ed. Springer Viena, New York
1995 Mag. Arquitectura, 1993-94, Ed. UNAM, Mexico.
1992 Mag. Arquitectura # 6 , “pedestrian bridge in Chapultepec”, Mexico.
His work has been published in the following website based magazines and archives: archdaily, Europaconcorsi, Dawntown, Dwell, Bustler, Australian Design Review, Ocoa, Archgo, e-architect, Arquitectura, Archifield, Designboom and the Miami Herald.

* The "Miami Metromover: Catalythic Diaphragm" 2009 competition was developed by Armando Oliver Suinaga working for OUTr @ RMIT University, Melbourne Australia.
**The "Meander Erosion" project was developed by Armando Oliver Suinaga working for OUTr @ RMIT University as a submission to the Arquine competition in the same year